Брендинг и деловая репутация/ Branding and Goodwill (программа факультета рекламы и связей с общественностью, реализуется на английском языке)

Брендинг и деловая репутация/ Branding and Goodwill (программа факультета рекламы и связей с общественностью, реализуется на английском языке)
Уровень образования:  Магистратура

Направления магистратуры:  42.04.01 Реклама и связи с общественностью

Бюджет:  Да

Форма обучения:  очная / очно-заочная

Обязательные экзамены:  Branding and Goodwill 

Правила приема в РГГУ на 2024 год 

The level of education: Master's degree

Form of study: full-time / part-time

Required Exams: Written exam in English in the discipline "Branding and Goodwill"

Qualification (degree): master

Acceptance conditions: having a bachelor's degree or a specialist in higher education

Forms of study: full-time, part-time

Training period: full-time - 2 years, part-time - 2 years 4 months

Final examination: state examination and defense of the final qualifying work

Master's program Branding and Goodwill (study in English) is aimed at professional training of masters in the field of strategic brand management.

The following disciplines are included in the Master's Specialized Training Program:

I. Mandatory part:

  • Methodological Problems of Modern Science
  • Research Methodology and Academic Culture
  • Intercultural Interaction
  • Foreign Language in Professional Activity
  • Creative Copywriting
  • Information Technology Innovations in the Communication Industry
  • Applied Telecommunication Technologies
  • Technologies of Advertising and Public Relations in Various Fields of Activity
  • Development and Promotion of Content
  • Development and Implementation of a Communication Strategy
  • Communication Project Management
  • Communication Agency Management

II. Part formed by participants in educational relations:

II.1. Compulsory disciplines:

  • Branding Technologies
  • Corporate Culture and Business Reputation
  • Current Trends in the Semiosphere of Advertising
  • Territory Branding
  • Brand Value Assessment
  • Image Technologies in Business Communications
  • Algorithm for Writing a Scientific Paper
  • Effectiveness of Advertising and Public Relations
  • Brand Internet Communications Management
  • Reputation Building Strategies

II.2. Elective disciplines:

The master student gets the opportunity to choose a number of disciplines depending on his professional orientation and research interest:

  • Modern Experimental Art and its Influence on Advertising / Modern Virtualistics
  • Visuality in Modern Mass Culture / Visual Communications in the Digital EnvironmentAnti-crisis Communications / Neuromarketing Technologies
  • Directed Video Advertising in the Context of Cinema and Visual Arts / Film Art as a Communicative System

Electives (optional)

  • Legal Security in the Information Space / Visual Culture of the 20th – 21st Centuries: Approaches and Interpretations
  • Modern Trends in the Economy of Consumption / Commercialization of the Results of Intellectual Activity

Courses of disciplines are taught by professors and associate professors of the Russian State University for the Humanities, leading practitioners of research, consulting marketing and advertising agencies, members of the Marketing Guild, the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR).

A graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities under the master's program "Branding and Goodwill" (study in English) is a modern specialist in the field of branding and business reputation, able to independently develop branding strategies in companies in various sectors of the economy. A graduate of the RSUH Master’s program Branding and Goodwill (study in English) knows the ways and methods of brand formation, building brand platforms, organization and planning of marketing communications, knows the specifics of brand positioning for various market segments, areas of activity and sectors of the economy.

A graduate of a master's program receives a preferential right to enter a graduate school in the chosen scientific specialty, as well as the opportunity to independently complete work on a candidate's dissertation.

Head of the master's program "Branding and Goodwill" (study in English) - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department "Branding and Visual Communications", Sekerin Vladimir Dmitrievich

e-mail: sekerin.vd@rggu.ru

Master's Admission Test Program

Your questions will be answered:

Department of Branding and Visual Communications:

Tel.:8 (495) 250-67-54

e-mail: dep_bivk@rggu.ru

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